The Longest Day
The Longest Day (1962)
This is the day that changed the world... when history held its breath.
Starring John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Robert Mitchum
Directed by Bernhard Wicki,Ken Annakin,Andrew Marton
The retelling of June 6, 1944, from the perspectives of the Germans, US, British, Canadians, and the Free French. Marshall Erwin Rommel, touring the defenses being established as part of the Reich's Atlantic Wall, notes to his officers that when the Allied invasion comes they must be stopped on the beach. 'For the Allies as well as the Germans, it will be the longest day'

Runtime: 178 min.     Rating: 7.6     DVD
Languages: Deutsch,English,French
Countries: United States of America
Genres: Drama,History,War
Keywords: resistance,world war ii,normandy, france,allies,based on a true story,steel helmet,soldier
   Col. Benjamin Vandervoort
   Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt jr.
   Brig. Gen. Norman Cota
   Flying Officer David Campbell
   Maj. Gen. Gunther Blumentritt
   Col. Thompson
   U.S. Army Ranger
   Madame Barrault
   Father Louis Roulland
   Pvt. Dutch Schultz
   Maj. Werner Pluskat
   Le maire de Colleville
   Maj. Gen. Dr. Hans Speidel
   Pvt. John Steele
   Pvt. Flanagan
   Capt. Frank
   Janine Boitard
   U.S. Army Ranger major
   U.S. Army Ranger
   Maj. Gen. Robert Haines
   Capt. Harding
   Sgt. Kaffekanne
   Brig. Gen. Edwin P. Parker Jr.
   British Padre
   Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt
   Young GI
   Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
   RAF Pilot
   Sgt. (later Lt.) John H. Fuller
   Gen. Wolfgang Hager
   Maj. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith
   Lord Lovat
   Cmdr. Philippe Kieffer (commando leader)
   Sgt. Wilder
   Pvt. Morris
   Pvt. Watney
   Pvt. Martini
   Capt. Colin Maud
   Gen. Erich Marcks
   Gen. Raymond D. Barton
   RAF Officer Mac
   Maj. Gen. Max Pemsel
   Joe Williams
   Mother Superior
   Sgt. Guy de Montlaur
   Pvt. Clough
   Brig. Gen. James M. Gavin
   U.S. Army Ranger
   U.S. Army Ranger
   RAdm. Janjard
   Destroyer Commander
   Maj. John Howard
   Lt. Wilson
   Lt. Col. Ocker
   U.S. Army Ranger
   British Paratrooper
   Lt. Sheen
   Alexandre Renaud
   Group Capt. J.N. Stagg (uncredited)
   Lt. Walsh (uncredited)
   Col. Caffey (uncredited)
   Blumentritt's Adjutant (uncredited)
   Pvt. Harris (uncredited)
   British Soldier (uncredited)
   German Soldier (uncredited)
   French Commando (uncredited)
   Pvt. Coke (uncredited)
   British Paratrooper (uncredited)
   Pvt. Hutchinson (uncredited)
   Meyer's Aide (uncredited)
   French Commando (uncredited)
   Bit Part (uncredited)
   German Guard on Traintreck (uncredited)
   British Soldier (uncredited)
   German soldier (uncredited)
   Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower (uncredited)
   Frau Maria Rommel (uncredited)
   RAF Briefing Officer (uncredited)
   Manfred Rommel (uncredited)
   Adm. Creasey (uncredited)
   Capt. Helmuth Lang (uncredited)
   British Soldier (uncredited)
   Col. Gen. Alfred Jodl (uncredited)
   Camp Cook (uncredited)
   Glider Doctor (uncredited)
   Canadian Doctor (uncredited)
   RAdm. Alan G. Kirk (uncredited)
   Capt. Ernst During (uncredited)
   Paratrooper (uncredited)
   Cook (uncredited)
   Major in Ste. Mère-Eglise (uncredited)
   Lt. Fritz Theen (uncredited)
   German Officer with Rupert (uncredited)
   Roosevelt's Aide (uncredited)
   WRNS Officer (uncredited)
   Jean (uncredited)
   Sgt. Bernhard Bergsdorf (uncredited)
   Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery (uncredited)
   Col. Josef 'Pips' Priller (uncredited)
   Col. Schiller (uncredited)
   Luftwaffe Major (uncredited)
   Gen. Hans von Salmuth (uncredited)
   Deutscher Offizier (uncredited)
   Lt. Col. Helmuth Meyer (uncredited)
   Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley (uncredited)
   Housekeeper (uncredited)
   French Commando (uncredited)
   Paratrooper (uncredited)
   Pemsel's adjutant (uncredited)
   US Army Medic (uncredited)
   French Spitfire Pilot (uncredited)