Watership Down
Watership Down (1978)
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and when they catch you, they will kill you... but first they must catch you.
Starring John Hurt, Richard Briers, Michael Graham Cox
Directed by Martin Rosen
When the warren belonging to a community of rabbits is threatened, a brave group led by Fiver, Bigwig, Blackberry and Hazel leave their homeland in a search of a safe new haven.

Runtime: 88 min.     Rating: 7.2     DVD
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Genres: Adventure,Animation,Drama
Keywords: based on novel or book,gore,seagull,trap,anthropomorphism,violence,based on children's book,rabbit,cult film,censored,runt,river crossing,adult animation,journey,myth
   Hazel (voice)
   Fiver (voice)
   Bigwig (voice)
   Captain Holly (voice)
   Chief Rabbit (voice)
   Blackberry (voice)
   Silver (voice)
   Pipkin (voice)
   Dandelion (voice)
   Cowslip (voice)
   Cat (voice)
   Clover (voice)
   Kehaar (voice)
   General Woundwort (voice)
   Hyzenthlay (voice)
   Captain Campion (voice)
   Blackavar (voice)
   Vervain (voice)
   Frith (voice)
   Black Rabbit (voice)
   Lucy (voice)