Japan's Longest Day
Japan's Longest Day (1967)

Starring Seiji Miyaguchi, Rokkō Toura, Yoshio Kosugi
Directed by Kihachi Okamoto
Following the detonation of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese military and the government clash over the demand from the Allies for unconditional surrender. Minister of the Army Anami leads the military officers who propose to fight on, even to the death of every Japanese citizen. Emperor Hirohito, however, joins with his ministers in asking the unthinkable, the peaceful surrender of Japan. When the military plots a coup to overthrow the Emperor's civilian government, Anami must face the choice between his desires and loyalty to his Emperor.

Runtime: 157 min.     Rating: 6.8     DVD
Languages: Japanese
Countries: Japan
Genres: Drama,History,War
Keywords: japan,world war ii,japanese army,japanese soldier,japanese surrender
   Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo
   Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Shunichi Matsumato
   Minister of Public Welfare Keisuke Okade
   Information Bureau Director Hiroshi Shimomura
   Lt. Colonel Masutaka Ida
   Lt. Colonel Masahiko Takeshita
   Lt. Colonel Jiro Shiizaki
   General Yoshijiro Umezu - Chief of the Army General Staff
   Admiral Soemu Toyoda - Chief of the Navy General Staff
   Navy Minister Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai
   War Minister General Korechika Anami
   Prime Minister Baron Kantaro Suzuki
   Captain Takeo Sasaki
   Commander Sugahara - 302nd Air Group
   Colonel Toyojiro Haga - CO Imperial Guards 2nd Infantry Regiment
   Staff Kamino