My Friends Tigger and Pooh: Super Sleuth Christmas Movie
My Friends Tigger and Pooh: Super Sleuth Christmas Movie (2007)

Starring Jim Cummings, Travis Oates, Peter Cullen
Directed by Don MacKinnon
Pooh and his friends work together to rescue Santa's lost reindeer-trainee, Holly.

Runtime: 44 min.     Rating: 4.7     DVD
Languages: English
Countries: United States of America
Genres: Animation,Family
Keywords: christmas
   Winnie the Pooh / Tigger / Snowman (voice)
   Piglet (voice)
   Eeyore (voice)
   Darby (voice)
   Buster / Frost (voice)
   Holly (voice)
   Roo (voice)
   Lumpy (voice)
   Rabbit (voice)
   Kanga (voice)
   Vixen (voice)
   Santa (voice)