Bottle Shock
Bottle Shock (2008)
Based on a true story of love, victory, and fermentation
Starring Alan Rickman, Chris Pine, Bill Pullman
Directed by Randall Miller
Paris-based wine expert Steven Spurrier heads to California in search of cheap wine that he can use for a blind taste test in the French capital. Stumbling upon the Napa Valley, the stuck-up Englishman is shocked to discover a winery turning out top-notch chardonnay. Determined to make a name for himself, he sets about getting the booze back to Paris.

Runtime: 110 min.     Rating: 6.3     DVD
Languages: Deutsch,English,French
Countries: United States of America
Genres: Comedy,Drama
Keywords: wine garden,wine,winzer
   Steven Spurrier
   Bo Barrett
   Jim Barrett
   Sam Fulton
   Gustavo Brambila
   Maurice Cantavale
   Maitre d'
   Loan Officer
   Pierre Tari
   Professor Saunders
   George Taber
   Man #1
   Man #2
   Man #3
   Mr. Garcia
   Karen Thompson
   Michael Robbins
   Ms. Relyea
   TWA Attendant
   German Passenger
   Odette Kahn
   Lt. Randall
   Hotel Clerk
   Passenger #1
   Passenger #2
   Field Hand
   Vintner #2
   Vintner #3
   Claude Dubois-Millot
   Raymond Oliver
   Pierre Bréjoux
   Upscale Man
   Upscale Woman