The Maid
The Maid (2009)
She's almost part of the family
Starring Catalina Saavedra, Claudia Celedón, Andrea García-Huidobro
Directed by Sebastián Silva
Raquel has been the live-in housekeeper for a kind, reasonably wealthy family for half her life, and the joyless repetition of the job has begun to take its toll. Increasingly dependent on painkillers, Raquel resorts to pranks and childish avoidance to antagonize the family’s college-age daughter and a procession of new servants, all in the hopes of protecting her precarious power within the home. Her antics successfully push everyone away, until new maid Lucy actually pushes back.

Runtime: 115 min.     Rating: 7.1     DVD
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile,Mexico
Genres: Comedy,Drama
Keywords: servant,employee,chile,dark comedy,domestic life,maid
   Lucy's Father
   Lucy's Grandmother
   Uncle 1
   Cousin 3
   Lucy's Mother
   Lucy's Sister-in-law
   Bakery Saleswoman
   Uncle 2
   Cousin 1
   Cousin 4