Vincere (2009)
The story of Mussolini's secret lover, Ida Dalser, and their son Albino.
Starring Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Filippo Timi, Corrado Invernizzi
Directed by Marco Bellocchio
The story of the descent into madness of Mussolini's secret first wife, Ida Dasler, who was seduced by his passion and vigour but blind to the fascist dictator's many flaws. A historical drama with the passion, lyricism and tragedy of a classical Italian opera. Nominated for the Palme d'Or at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.

Runtime: 128 min.     Rating: 6.7     DVD
Languages: Deutsch,Italiano
Countries: Italy
Genres: Drama,History
Keywords: biography
   Ida Dalser
   Benito Mussolini
   Dottor Cappelletti
   Riccardo Paicher
   Rachele Guidi
   Pietro Fedele
   Giulio Bernardi
   Adelina Dalser
   Madre Superiora
   Suora Misericordiosa
   Scarpette rosse
   Benito Albino Mussolini da bambino
   gallerista d'arte
   Medico Questura Anziano
   Seconda Suora Moncalieri