Soul Kitchen
Soul Kitchen (2009)

Starring Adam Bousdoukos, Birol Ünel, Moritz Bleibtreu
Directed by Fatih Akin
SOUL KITCHEN centers on a likable but hopelessly disorganized restauranteur, Zinos, whose cafe is second home to a motley crew of lovable eccentrics. When his girlfriend Nadine up and moves to Shanghai, a love-sick Zinos decides to fly after her, leaving his restaurant in the hands of his unreliable ex-con brother Illias. Both decisions turn out disastrous: Illias gambles away the restaurant to a shady real estate agent, and Zinos finds Nadine with a new lover. If the brothers can stop arguing and get it together, the Soul Kitchen might still have one last chance at staying in business. The mayhem that follows is a hilariously entertaining story of self-realization, set to an irresistibly soulful soundtrack.

Runtime: 99 min.     Rating: 6.9     DVD
Languages: Deutsch,Greek
Countries: France,Germany,Italy
Genres: Comedy,Drama
   Zinos Kazantsakis
   Shayn Weiss
   Ilias Kazantsakis
   Lucia Faust
   Nadine Kruger
   Anna Mondstein
   Thomas Neumann
   Frau Schuster vom Finanzamt
   Herr Jung
   Nadines Grossmutter
   Herr Meyer (Gesundheitsamt)