Margin Call
Margin Call (2011)
Be first. Be smarter. Or cheat.
Starring Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons
Directed by J.C. Chandor
A thriller that revolves around the key people at an investment bank over a 24-hour period during the early stages of the financial crisis.

Runtime: 107 min.     Rating: 6.8     DVD
Languages: English
Countries: United States of America
Genres: Drama,Thriller
Keywords: capitalism,brokerage,wall street,downsizing,financial crisis,stock market,stock market crash,21st century,investment,investment banker
   Sam Rogers
   Will Emerson
   John Tuld
   Peter Sullivan
   Heather Burke
   Sarah Robertson
   Jared Cohen
   Seth Bregman
   Mary Rogers
   Eric Dale
   Ramesh Shah
   Lauren Bratberg
   Executive Assistant