Goodbye, Mr. Chips
Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969)
He is a shy schoolmaster. She is a music hall star. They marry and immediately have 283 children...all boys!
Starring Peter O'Toole, Petula Clark, Michael Redgrave
Directed by Herbert Ross
Academy Award-honoree Peter O'Toole stars in this musical classic about a prim English schoolmaster who learns to show his compassion through the help of an outgoing showgirl. O'Toole, who received his fourth Oscar-nomination for this performance, is joined by '60s pop star Petula Clark and fellow Oscar-nominee Michael Redgrave.

Runtime: 155 min.     Rating: 7.0     DVD
Languages: English
Countries: United States of America
Genres: Drama,Music,Romance
Keywords: based on novel or book,world war ii,forbidden love,boarding school,vacation,love,teacher student relationship,teaching,schoolteacher,teacher hero,music hall,boys' school,school life
   Arthur Chipping
   Katherine Bridges
   The Headmaster
   Headmaster's Wife
   Lord Sutterwick
   Ursula Mossbank
   Max Staefel
   William Baxter
   Bill Calbury
   Mrs. Paunceforth
   Johnny Longbridge
   Mrs. Summerswaithe
   General Paunceforth
   Pompeii guide
   Sutterwick Jr
   Tardy Student
   Chairman of the Board of Governors